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Connect, simplify, and automate your workflow with NikoHealth

API Integration

Save time and automate repetitive tasks. Reduce the number of apps needed to get work done.
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Flexible Automation for Your Business
Bring data between external systems and work within one place to simplify and automate the day-to-day workflow. Whatever your business needs allow NikoHealth to support your use case with robust APIs to power your entire ecosystem.
Explore What’s Possible and Spark Inspiration
Connect to an e-commerce store
Connect your online store to streamline the customer experience and reduce data entry across systems – yep, we can handle that. From order to inventory and even pricing and insurance information – leverage powerful and automated functionality.
Data Warehouse and Data Lake
Accelerate analytics with 3rd party data warehouse across all your systems
Salesforce and external CRM solutions
Automate the exchange of information including orders, financial and other information to help drive your CRM and sales process
Leverage automated messages to trigger any event with our Webhook functionality – which are similar to APIs but simpler.
Have a Use Case You Are Looking to Solve?

Speak with our experts to find out how our solution can you make things simpler and happier for all.

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