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Business Workflow

Power your business with all in one cloud-based home medical equipment software that drives performance, automates processes and improves your bottom line.
The most innovative organizations partner with NikoHealth

Home Medical Equipment Software
to Drive Your Digital Transformation

End-To-End Solution

Power Your Business to Outperform

Simplify everything with NikoHealth; improve productivity, increase revenue and provide better patient care within one HME | DME software

Get Ready to Work Smarter, Better, and Faster

See How We Empower Our Customers

CPAP Respiratory O&P CGM Incontinence Mobility Enteral Med Device Resupply

Leverage the Power of Modern DME Software to Transform Your Team's Performance

faster order fulfilment times with intuitive and connected workflows
fewer out of stocks with real-time inventory control
clean claim rate with enhanced claim automation
increase in up-front collections with patient estimates
reduction in paper with digital processes from order fulfillment to billing and payment posting
increase in employee happiness, working with user-friendly HME DME software
Make Your Software Your Competitive Advantage.
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Content to Power Your Business

Medicare Requalification Rules for PHE Oxygen Patients: What Suppliers Need to Know
Oxygen devices from the COVID-19 PHE era are reaching the end of their lifespan. Medicare allows replacement without requalification if set up under PHE waivers with proper claim codes. Suppliers need a new physician order and must document continued use.
How to Steer Clear of Medicare PTAN Deactivations
Discover essential steps to prevent Medicare PTAN deactivation. Learn how to manage NPE requests and stay compliant with Medicare billing requirements.
Avoid Denials: Why CGM Coverage Hinges on Receiver Use
Does Medicare cover continuous glucose monitor (CGM) supplies when a patient uses their smartphone or tablet exclusively to view the CGM data?
Avoid Denials Why CGM Coverage Hinges on Receiver Use
RedSail Technologies Partners with NikoHealth as Preferred Software for SystemOne® HME/DME Customers
The DME space is highly regulated, pushing surveyors to remember critical compliance requirements. The reason behind monitoring the quality of your HME/DME supplies is to continuously identify and address any company shortcomings you need to improve. Medicare demands constant reviews of specific areas. Within those areas, select those that are the most appropriate and beneficial to your organization.